
Half-Life 2: Episode One

Posted Jun 10, 2006

As the title so subtly suggests, this is about the (fairly) recently released expansion for Half-Life 2. It is one of several planned expansions, originally called ‘Half-Life 2: Aftermath’. Purchasing it of steam was easy and before I knew it I had it installing away.

Because it is a small expansion, it is only a few chapters long but still quite fun with all the usual HL2 style killing, moving stuff, and then back to more killing. The story continues directly from the end of Half-Life 2 with a small uninteractive component, much lighter in weight than many that valve has put in games before.

As far as expansions go, it is also cheap. Ordinarily expansions retail at half the original game’s retail cost, but it is only ~$30. This isnt cheap for the meagre amount of gameplay you get, however, it is very fun and action packed. My only gripe with the whole game is this one section where there are lots of zombies and NO LIGHT. If you thought Doom3 was bad… ! (actually, I thought doom 3 rocked but this was just unbelievably hard). I think the people should make proper batteries, the kind that last more than 5 seconds powering a single light.

Anyways, another convenient and fun addition to the Half-Life 2 game store.